Full-Time Opportunities
As the Lord continues to bless and grow the ministry of ITM, we are trusting Him for more laborers to join us! If you have a passion to see the Gospel transform unreached communities and people groups, these are some areas in which we are praying for more workers.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Church Planting
ITM exists to see churches established throughout unreached communities of Bolivia. Our desire is that the Lord would establish thriving communities of mature believers in these remote locations. Our church planting team is comprised of Bolivian nationals and expatriates who are committed to living among the people, learning their language, and discipling young believers using a chronological method of Bible teaching.
We are specifically praying for four additional missionaries to join our church planting ministry. If you believe God may be calling you to join our team, please contact us!
Because of the remote location of many of our missionaries, our airplane is a valuable tool for supporting the church planting efforts of our ITM missionaries, as well as serving many other communities throughout Bolivia. We currently operate a Cessna Turbo 206, and have access to additional aircraft through our partner organization. As the ministry of ITM continues to grow, we are also trusting the Lord to grow our aviation program. Are you a pilot or aircraft mechanic who desires to use these skills full-time on the mission field? If so, we would love to talk to you!
We are trusting the Lord for another A&P mechanic, and one pilot-mechanic. Please contact us if you believe the Lord could be calling you to join our aviation team.
ITM is a small, but growing organization. As God continues to bless our ministry with more missionaries and ministry locations, the administrative burden grows as well. Maybe you aren’t gifted as a pastor, evangelist, or “traditional” missionary, but are good with numbers, organization and managing details. We need people like you! There are potential opportunities for administrative personnel in Bolivia and in the United States. If the Lord has blessed you with administrative gifts, and you would like to know how these can be used in partnership with ITM, please contact us!
San Lorenzo Bible Radio is an essential tool for reaching communities in the Secure, Isiboro and Moxos regions of Bolivia. The station provides quality biblical teaching and christian music in four languages.
We are praying for another family or individual to oversee the radio broadcasting operation in San Lorenzo. This person would play a critical role in ministering to the church in this region, enabling the people to hear the Word of God taught in their heart languages of Trinitario, Chimane’, Yuracaré, and Spanish.