Current Projects
The Lord has blessed us with many opportunities to reach the unreached, and to build up the Church in Bolivia. As we trust Him to expand our influence for His glory, we are also trusting Him for the resources we need. While God can certainly provide through any means He chooses, He normally does so through the Church—individuals and congregations who would choose to join us in the work He is doing in Bolivia.
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us by supporting these current projects?
Early stages of the Bible School construction. The school is now operational, but in need of improvements and additions.
Construction at the Bible Missionary Training Center (Centro Bíblico Misionero)
The Centro Biblico Misionero continues to grow. The CBM has been running for two years, but there are still several construction and infrastructure projects ongoing. Your support of this project will enable us to make improvements to the existing infrastructure, and to build improved housing and classrooms.
New ITM Offices
Our office project is complete! Updated photos are coming soon.
ITM acquired two shipping containers that we converted into offices at our base in Cochabamba. Our partner organization, Mano a Mano, had graciously allowed us to use office space in their hangar for several years, but as ITM continues to grow we needed our own space. Our aviation department is located on the first floor, with offices for our administrative, medical, and church planting missionaries above.
Several of our ITM missionaries worked hard to help bring this project to completion, and we thank the Lord for providing the resources we needed to create our own space.